Nov 20, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences TBB: Part 6

Hey everyone, last part of the series. Hope you enjoy. Bye. (I had a tough week so no enthusiasm today)

The Black Box: Part 6
The morbid being headed straight for me pulling out a dagger encrusted with gemstones. He swung at my shoulder but missed for I was swift enough to evade the blade. The human genie was rapid but I always escaped the deadly weapon, which in turn whittled away at the walls of the room. Each of his quick swings was always ensued by another swing of his dagger. His fighting style and attacks were unfathomable, nearly getting me killed over and over. His prowess with blades amazed me and got me standing stunned many times which also contributed to almost ending my life too many times. His crazed expression turned into boredom and eventually stopped swinging at me with vigor. He got up from his fighting stance and headed the opposite direction. His intention became tacit. He was heading for Coraline and Issac. His walking pace quickened to a full speed run raising his dagger once more but in their direction this time. His eyes regained their insane glare as the dagger neared the children. I was obliged to watch this for even if I ran at full speed I would not have been able to prevent their death. I watched in horror as the blade descended upon the children. Then all of a sudden, the genie jerked his head back in pain and crumbled to ground. He was so fierce and strong before but now seemed so feeble… I looked over the creatures shoulder to see Issac standing protectively in front of Coraline. Yet he seemed so frightened he couldn’t have possibly hurt the genie. Unless he… he had demonstrated love and that was what had defeated the monster. The creature was now laying on the ground motionless. I walked towards it to ascertain that it was dead and would cause no more trouble. As I was checking the creatures pulse, which was depleted, it’s skin turned black and started dissolving. The boys who I noticed had been aloof of yet watching the fight were watching with an expression of shock. The liquid which was collecting at my feet was creeping up my legs and covering my body. My vision was covered but the liquid didn’t touch my eyes. The liquid decided to get off and I found myself in the Blackburn’s living room. I sighed in relief that this was all over. Coraline was asleep on the couch. I walked up the stairs to my own room, because I was also tired. I failed to notice the note on the coffee table.

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