Nov 6, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: TBB Part 5

AYY!! Next part and probably second to last. Maybe. Hope you guys enjoy if anyone actually reads this.

The Black Box: Part 5
I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to defeat the monster on my own. What had I done? I just put myself in a deadly position. Now, I had to defeat an immortal creature that could only be defeated by love, something I didn’t have at the moment. Sure, Aspen was kind and so was Nash, but they were only friends. How was I ever going to get out of this mess?
“It’s okay Karina, we’ll find a way out like we always do! Plus, I might know how to use love.” I looked down at Coraline who was holding my hand. Issac stepped beside and both of them smiled wide.
“I’m sure we will. We’ve gone through worse right? Like that one time when the house was wrecked and your parents were going to get home in 10 minutes. I still don’t know how we were able to tidy up the house that quick though…”
“That’s the spirit! Come on! Let’s go beat up that genie!” I laughed and followed Coraline, stepping forward with more confidence. I knew the only place the genie could go would be in his box, for any wounded being would go there. I walked to the concrete complex accompanied by Coraline and Issac. The other boys were following behind, keeping their distance. I noticed all the indigenous plants were dead. There wasn’t even a small animal wallowing in the pond. Did that mean the genie was furious? I kept asking myself questions about what was going on, making myself more and more terrified of what I would have to face. I entered the gloomy buildings and headed to the room that contained the box. The hallways were in a state of tranquility, but I knew they wouldn’t stay that way for a fight always destroys structures. I walked through the door but something wasn’t right. All the furniture was gone except the box, which was lying in the middle of the room. But it was open and empty… I hesitantly stepped towards the square object and picked it up. Nothing happened. I kept inspecting the box for any changes but found none. As I was wondering what was the meaning of the empty box, I failed to notice the familiar and yet deadly black mist slowly creeping into the room. A deep and evil laugh resonated in the room. My head shot up to see the abominable creature.
“Look who we have here. The ignorant girl. A rather auspicious room for a fight wouldn’t you say? Big enough to move, but small enough to contain only one victim… But, it gives you an advantage… You can move,” the spirit smirked. “Why not move to a different room? One in which we have equal advantages.” As he said those words, he snapped his fingers and the ceiling started falling apart. The supporting beams fell through the white ceiling, but stayed suspended in the air. The room was now fractious, for the ceiling could cave in on me at any time the genie wanted.
“You’re cheating! You’re giving yourself an advantage! You can use your magic any time you want to make the beams fall on me and kill me!” I shouted, hoping that would make the genie forbid himself from using magic.
“Hmmm… You have a point. Here’s what I’ll do. I take away my powers until the match is over.” And with those words, black fumes evaporated out of the beings body, completely covering him. As the fumes dissipated, there no longer stood a creature, but a normal human. His raven hair covered his right eye which was unnaturally red. He stood taller than me and much stronger. But he still had that smug smirk. His high collared coat hung down to his ankles. He looked everything but amiable, far from it.
“With this dispensation, we should be equal, but of course, you still won’t be able to defeat me.” His arrogance made me clench my teeth. The vexations of his cockiness were too much, so I lunged at him, attempting to punch him across the face. He easily flipped me over his head, and threw me at the wall.
“You know, your temper reminds me of a girl I met during a sojourn in France. She was fierce.”
“I don’t care!!” I lunged at him again, but he easily dodged me.
“Would you care more if your little friend’s life depended on it?” I snapped my head in his direction to see him holding Coraline up in the air by her throat.
“LET HER GO!!” I screamed.
“Hmm… if you want.” He punched the small girl in the stomach and let her fall to the floor. Luckily, he didn’t hit her hard enough to injure her, and she fell from only 3 feet, not enough to hurt her either.
“Now it’s your turn.” A smile of insanity creeped onto his face as he charged towards me.

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