Oct 30, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: TBB Part 4

Next to last part. Probably. So ya hope you guys enjoy and all that jazz.
The Black Box: Part 4
The genie snapped his fingers and ten different blades appeared beside him. They formed a close circle, ready to defend the genie. The genie did not seem to be playing around and the swords looked anything but benevolent.
“Are you sure you want to fight me?” The genie said.
“Yeah, but are you sure you’re not scared to fight us? Using magic so you don’t get hurt?” retorted Micah. The genie’s anger rose quickly upon hearing the witty remark.
“You will regret that, pesky human!” roared the creature, and sent a katana flying at Micah’s neck, almost slicing the boy’s head off. However, Micah dodged the flying sword and blocked it with his own sword when the katana came back. He was a prodigy at sword fighting! The others joined Micah and started each defending themselves and attacking different swords on their own. Each one of them was extremely skilled at fighting! I stood there bewildered, but also free from any attacking sword. Realizing that I could injure the genie, I started looking for something to use as a weapon. As I looked high and low, I felt a tug on the hem of my shirt. I looked back at Issac who was holding a bardiche.
“Where did you get that?”
“It was in our secret stash of weapons we keep in case of emergencies like this one.” I took the long spear like weapon and made my way to the genie. But it noticed me before I could land any wound on him. I massive club appeared out of thin air and struck at me but missed. I was unusually swift for such a heavy weapon. I found myself swinging my own weapon in attempt to strike down the club or split it in half. The swing of all the weapons seemed incessant, continuously trying to destroy the other. As I looked at the others fighting, I didn’t notice the club under my feet until I met the cold, hard ground. I looked up to see the massive weapon preparing to come down upon my skull when kunai knives hit the club and shoved it into a tree, making the magic weapon disappear. Issac stood to the left still in his throwing stance with Coraline behind him, holding more of the knives. I smiled and took the chance to run up to the creature and strike at him. The axe’s blade sliced the genie’s arm and he let out a blood-curling scream. Black fumes came from the wound and so did a disgusting pungent smell.
“You idiotic girl! I will never condone this!” The creature shouted before disappearing in a thick purple cloud, along with him new malodorous wound. The woods were left in tranquility when the smoke was fully gone.
“Why didn’t you kill him?!? You had the perfect opportunity but nooo you only hit his arm!” Koah shouted enraged.
“Well excuuuuse me princess for not doing exactly what you wanted!” I shouted back.
“KOAH! It’s not her fault! Plus you know that he can’t die with only a heart wound! We tried it before and it didn’t work! So calm down, we’ll find another solution.” Aspen said, trying to contain his anger. I had caused yet another dissent.
“Stop it!” I yelled. “I’ll go and get rid of that… thing on my own to make up for this.”
“You don’t have the guts. But why not? Yeah go on your own. I dare you!” He said.

“Fine…” Concessions were made and I now had to defeat the monster on my own.

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