Oct 16, 2014

My Little Horror Expirences: TBB Part 2

AYYYYYYY!! Next part! Hope you guys enjoy and all that jazz!

The Black Box: Part 2
I looked down at the little boy. His pleading eyes convinced me to stay and help even though I could tell I wasn’t going to get along with Koah. Sure he was nice looking with his brown bangs and doe eyes but his attitude towards strangers was poor.
“Okay kid, but on one condition.”
“And that is?” The boy that was previously hiding behind the chair said.
“If Koah behaves himself and is more respectful towards me.” I said in a stubborn voice. All three boys turned their attention to Koah that sighed and said,
“Fine, do as you please…” He walked into a room that I had not seen and came back with a black, ornate box with superficial scratches.
“I’m guessing that is the monsters’ box?”
“You guessed right.” The chair boy said. He was now sitting in a more comfortable position on the chair with his chin resting upon the chair’s back. He was acting rather strange, always staring at me like that.
“Micah, focus on the task at hand.” Said the raven haired male.
“Calm down Aspen. Jeez.” Micha said. At that, everyone looked at the box, but in a strange way, almost as if they dreaded that box and its contents. I headed towards the object and lifted the lid with everyone’s silent approval. Nothing happened… yet. A thick black mist spurted out of the small wooden object and collected at my feet. On instinct, I jumped back bumping into Aspen and making the both of us crash down to the floor. The mist kept falling to the floor until a sinister laugh ringed out of nowhere. A shadow was slowly rising out of the collected mist and straightened itself to look at us. It laughed in that deep and menacing voice.
“Now now look at this, seven little humans means seven little wishes. Speak your wish and it shall be granted. Make it quick, I do not wish to be bored.” It said as it yawned the last part. Nash gathered up courage and mumbled,
“I-I wish f-for…”
Articulate! I cannot hear!” The being boomed out.
“I wish all discord would end!” Nash blurted out loud enough for the impatient genie to hear. Next up was Micah.
“I wish all humans were immune to all lethal diseases.” He spoke clearly and confidently.
“Thank you for being lucid Micah, and not like Nash. Next.” Both stiffened hearing their names when they never told the entity. Koah spoke out,
“I wish that no one would hold contempt towards anyone.”
“Hypocrite…” All boys chuckled at my comment while Koah huffed and turned away. Next was Aspen.
“I wish everyone on Earth would be more diligent so things would get done quicker.” Issac had been staring at the ground with clenched fists the whole time. He yelled,
“I WANT YOU TO LEAVE FOREVER!!!” All of us stared in awe at the child. The genie was rather angered by this, changing his eyes to pure red, and lunging at the child. I pulled Issac out of the way just in time and saved him from some terrible danger that would have befallen him. Out of the blue, Koah lunged at the box and pressed something on the box. Then the genie was jerked backwards and dragged back into the box after he shouted,
“This isn’t over! I’ll be back soon!” Then all the black mist was sucked up into the box and gone.
“How did you know?” Nash said still dazed of everything that happened.
“There was a button that was rather obvious. It was sticking out of the side. I pressed it.”
“Dang… perceptive…” I said, impressed of the arrogant boy’s keen eye.
“Um… excuse me…” Aspen said rather embarrassed. I realized we were both on the floor and I was lightly clinging onto his shirt. I jumped up and handed him a hand.
“I am so s-sorry..”
“It’s fine.” He said as he laughed lightly.
“You know you’re aesthetically pleasing when you’re embarrassed?” I turned to Micah who was chuckling to himself.

“Um… well all that talk aside, I’m inclined to say that we need to set up a strategy to defeat the… thing.”

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