Oct 30, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: TBB Part 3

Next issue of this mini series.I hope that you guys like it! Tell me if you have a comment!

The Black Box: Part 3
The box started to move again. Jerking left and right, the box fell to the floor and shattered. The mist that had been contained was now free and flowing around the room. We watched in horror as the evil genie rose from the black sea.
“I have thought for a while and decided to grant your wishes. Here you go, this is the future. Oh and I made some slight changes.” It said, stretching out its arms and sending streaks of black, enveloping everything around us. Its dark and evil laugh rang out louder than ever. A blurred image was clearing up around us, but we gasped in shock at what was around us.
“This is Nash’s wish. Discord.” Crowds were making an uproar as they protested against armed guards. Gun shots were heard everywhere where bodies fell dead. Bricks smashed windows and skulls while objects were stolen and used to kill others. Blood was covering a large part of the streets and the people. Everything was so violent and gory. People were tearing at each other in massive fights and many other things that were inhumane. A large banner was held by the living crowd that read “The Schism has arrived! Let us be free now!” Tears were threatening to pour out my eyes as I watched the horrible scene, unable to do anything.
“Make it stop!” I screamed, and as if on command, everything faded away to reveal darkness once more.
“Now, for Micha’s wish.” All I could see was fire and crying. People were watching heaps of wood burn and were crying, no, sobbing. As I looked closer they were covered in open wounds and rashes covered their frail bodies. Illness. They were all sick and dying. Those weren’t heaps of wood, they were pyres. The massive mountains must mean many were moribund. That meant an epidemic struck the Earth. Was the future really going to fall apart like this? The image disappeared like the first to be replaced by darkness once again.
“Next is Koah’s wish.” The images came clear unlike the other two which had been blurred. Most people were ignoring the poor begging for food or money while others beat them. The orphans of the streets were dispassionate and had glazed eyes. They didn’t bother smiling and just sat in the corners waiting for Death to take them to a better place. Everything was horrible. I stood in my spot and cried for I couldn’t take what was going on.
“Hmm... how about Aspen’s wish?” Depression was replaced by sloth. People were lying around doing nothing. The people were striped of fervor, doing nothing at all. Most appeared to be broke and still they did nothing, just lying in the street. The vision ended abruptly and we were back in the concrete room. All of us were shocked, not moving, and on the verge of breaking down. The evil being watched us with amusement and then leaped at us. Issac and Coraline were able to break our trance and get us to run out of the rotting building. Our perennial running kept us out of the monsters clutches, and we finally got out. The scene was depressing. All the plants had been struck by blight. The previously colorful and beautiful flowers were now brown and crumbling. The luscious plants and trees were dry and falling apart. Even the ground was cracked from dryness. The world was dying.
“We have to purge the world of this!” Koah postulated. I did not hear because I was beleaguered of what would happen to the world. What was going to happen? A rush of cold wind broke my thoughts. I turned around to see the creature standing there with a smug smile plastered upon its face. The boys’ sad expressions were replaced by that of rage and hatred. They each got out different weapons and headed straight for the genie. While the boys ran at full speed, it stood there until a swift movement sent all three flying back.

“If you want to fight, you’ll get a fight.”

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