Oct 9, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: TBB Part 1

Hello guys! This is the next episode to the series! Enjoy!

The Black Box: Part 1
I awoke to the light filtering through the sea-green curtains giving the room an underwater look. Then the calm and soothing color disappeared to reveal the blinding white light of the outdoors. I shifted my head slowly to see Coraline excitedly jumping up and down.
“Come on Karina! It’s already 10! Plus my parents sent a gift through the mail! Come on!”
“Don’t tell me you forgot! It’s your birthday today! How could you forget?” Now that my mind had lifted the morning fog that covered my brain, it came clear that it was actually my birthday. I smiled and chucked the covers off of me. I ran to Coraline scooping her up, ran down the stairs careful to not trip and end my life on my birthday, and then set her down on the couch. I came back with the brown cardboard box in my hands and set it down on the finely crafted coffee table. I scratched and tore my way to the contents to pull out a book and a card.
“A book? What?” The little girl said a bit disappointed. I looked at the cover and was greeted by the title “The Black Box”. I flipped the book but found no summary. Puzzled, I turned to the inside flap of the book to see nothing and same on the back flap. This book was eccentric, for it didn’t have a summary, any info on the author, or anything a normal book had. Wanting to find answers to my questions, I opened the card. As I read, Coraline was handling to book and flipping it over multiple times, obviously confused.
“What does the card say?”
“Only says that your parents found it creepy so they thought it would be a good gift for me since they know I like creepy stuff.” I set the card down, not satisfied, picked up the book and started reading the first chapter. But something wasn’t right about the book’s contents either. They were not in english. I read aloud the words that seem to be Latin to see if I could understand anything.
An omnes casus qui haec sustinuerit mortem. Non erit tibi mali latet in arca nisi vincit.” I immediately regretted it knowing that they could transport me to another twisted dimension. But surprisingly nothing happened. Then the words started to glow on the page and lifted from the paper. They flowed towards each other and combined to form a circle that immediately pulled a terrified Coraline and me in.
I opened my eyes to be greeted with an assortment of green, blue, red, purple, and many other bright colors. My vision cleared to make out the details of many types of flowers and trees. I placed my hand to the ground to push myself up, but the grass was soft unlike real grass. This world or dimension wasn’t realistic like the other two had been. It almost seemed... magical. I looked around to see only an azure sky and diverse flowers. Knowing that standing here would only cause more trouble, I began walking in a random direction with an unconscious Coraline in my arms. I was apprehensive about the whole situation for not only had we gotten ourselves in another world, but also this one was not like the others. Who knew what was out there? The fact of something dangerous in the forest watching us was inevitable. I quickened my pace not wanting to stay out here any longer and expose ourselves to unknown creatures. I eventually came to a concrete building that gave me a sense of security, so not thinking twice, I walked through the doors. Only one solitary hallway lead forward to not many rooms. I walked down having no other choice until I heard voices from the first door to the right.
“How do you think we defeat it? The books say only abstract things such as love defeats this type of evil.”
“You do know my dear friend that these books have rather subjective information right?”
“You have a valid point there, but that is all we have to defeat it. What other way is there?”
“As you both have said, the books have information that is based off of only beliefs. But from what I have inferred, it would make sense that only opposite forces could defeat each other, such as love and evil.”
“We have a problem guys, if love was the answer, how do we use it? We only have guys here and I don’t see any other way to go at it. I mean what the heck? We’re not gay.”
“Micah, for the love of God, we are scientists. Please use a more elaborate vocabulary. You make us seem like anyone from the streets.”
“But Koah, what does it do if I use complicated vocab or not? I mean we aren't in public so what’s the difference?”
“Your word choice is, how to word this, basic. It is rather painful to hear.” I was curious of these people so I knocked on the door. Someone yelped and the scatter of feet was rather audible. The door was left closed for a few moments until it was unlocked. I opened the door to see boys my age failing at hiding. One was crouching behind a chair that was missing half of the backrest. Another was hiding behind a dresser; he would have been well hidden if he wasn’t always peeking around the corner. The other was hiding behind the door but he was constantly moving giving away his position while the other was standing in plain sight.
“So… um… hello?”
“Hi, can we help you?” The boy standing in plain sight said. His bright blue eyes were shining brightly as if he was happy to see me. Even if his blonde hair was slightly covering his right eye, his eyes shone bright.
“Nash! What are you… oh hi!” said the one behind the dresser. His black hair completely covered his right eye.
“You both are simple minded apes! We agreed that all other humans were to be kicked out! Get her out!” The one behind the door said harshly. I frowned in disdain; he knew that they needed me and yet he didn’t want me to stay! For a scientist, he was very provincial.
“Well excuse me for wanting to help you! I’m leaving!” I turned on my heel and started walking away irritated.
“Don’t go miss!” A small voice said.
“Oh Isaac! You’re awake!”
“Yeah. Koah’s not always hypocritical. He’s not very nice to strangers but he’s actually really nice! Plus we need your help to defeat the monster.” I smiled at the small boy who was now standing behind me. He looked to be around 9 or 10, just like Coraline.
“The monster is really mean and wants to do really mean and scary stuff. Please help us.”

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