Oct 2, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: DF Part 4

AYYYYYYYYYY!!! Last part! Enjoy!

Darkness Falling: Part 4
Kana stood frozen in her place with the creature getting closer to tearing her apart every passing moment. Tim lunged towards the petrified ghost and got both of them out of the creature’s path, but the boy’s shoulder was wounded nethertheless. Blood streamed down, staining his shirt, but the wound was left in negligence for all the attention was on the spectre.
“Are you okay?” The boy blurted out worriedly. The pain in his shoulder made him wince, bringing the ghost back to its senses.
“Tim! Oh my god your shoulder! Why did you do that?”
“I’m not going to let you die a second time because of me!” The monster had regained its balance while the two were worrying about each other.
“You shouldn’t take your eyes off of your predator, you never know when it might strike!” The creature roared in an unnatural voice as it once again leaped high in the air. Its claws were set for the teenager’s heart when Grey jumped in front of them protectively with his armed crossed in front of himself. The razor-edged claws swiped at the raven haired boy, ripping the skin off his arms. Grey refused to show pain and instead swung his arm purposefully missing the monster, sending blood in its eyes. The demon shrieked at the contact of its open eyes and the crimson substance. It staggered back frantically rubbing its eyes with its “hands” trying to relieve the pain. The two other teenagers took the opportunity to take out their weapons and attack the creature. Lucy unhooked a wooden staff from her belt and swung at the demon in a swift movement, while Natsu unsheathed a sword slashing at the creature. The monster howled in pain with its new injuries and glared at the attackers with newfound insanity in its eyes. Both Kana and Tim were watchful of the scene, afraid their friends would get hurt or killed defending them. I watched everything thinking of how everyone was fighting and how I was useless. I couldn’t let them fight on their own, I had to help. I put Coraline down and told her to stay there without letting the monster notice her. She nodded and urged me on. I smiled at the little girl and ran over to the two people kneeling on the ground.
“Do you have any weapons?”
“Uh, yeah here.” Tim uttered handing me a dagger. I knew exactly that I had one shot at this and that if I failed, everything would be over and that I would lose the game. I looked over at the fighters and thought to myself,
“I need to make it leap at me so I can kill it, so…” I got up and shouted over the roars and clashing of weapons,
“Hey! Baldy! Over here!” The creature immediately stopped and faced me.
“You dare insult me human? You shall feel my wrath!” It said jumping at me extending its claws and glaring with rage filled eyes. I ducked right before its claws could pierce my skull and jerked the dagger up into its heart. The creature stiffened and crashed to the ground lifting up a dense cloud of dust. A few whimpers were heard and everything went quiet. The dust settled down and the creature was revealed and seemed to have died. A pool of brilliant red surrounded it to confirmed it had died. Everyone sighed in relief to see the battle had ended and we had won. Moments passed but something was wrong. Coraline and I were still here. We had defeated the monster and yet we were not being released out of the game.
“How about we leave this place?” The smiling ghost said. Of course, that was it. We still hadn’t finished playing the game. The final objective was to get out of the building and see the outside.
“Yeah how about we do…” Lucy said with in a distant manner as if she had been dreaming of the outside world. A smile decorated each of our faces as we headed out the door. Caroline skipped out and took Lucy’s hand. The teenage girl smiled and Kana walked up to the two. Caroline took the ghost’s hand which made the small smile grow to a bigger one. I walked behind the group smiling to myself thinking of how this story had a not so bad ending. I walked to the door to find Adam waiting for me.
“Um, hey. We never really introduced ourselves formally. I’m Adam Aldaine.”
“Cool name. I’m Karina Aeron. Nice to meet you.”
“Same here. So where do you come from? I mean we just found you in the room and we would have seen you sooner if you came from the outside.” We continued talking walking alongside each other following the others. Caroline and the girls must have been eavesdropping on our conversation because they slowed down until they were right in front of us. They were also giggling like crazy. As we neared a split hallway, the sound of gears was becoming more distinct and loud.
“Um, guys. What’s that noise?” Kana asked uneasy. As she finished her sentence, a panel opened up to a giant swinging axe that would have chopped off her head if Tim wasn’t overprotective of her and pulled her down.
“You know, I like to be independant.” Kana said slightly irritated.
“Well you wouldn’t be very independant if you were decapitated.” He said smugly.
“Well I am already dead so… I can’t die again.” Tim opened his mouth as if to say something, but shut it seeing that she had a point. Everyone laughed. At least they all found happiness again and were able to laugh once more. We walked further into the hallway when the axe’s momentum died down. I heard a small whirring and looked up to see a surveillance camera.
“Hey, I think we’re being monitored guys. Look.” I pointed up to the camera where everyone looked.
“That’s probably how the traps know when to go off.”  Natsu said as he threw his sword at the camera. Immediately a pit opened up revealing spikes at the bottom.
“So, how do we get across?”
“Good point. We jump. The gap isn’t that big.” We went on after jumping the gap which wasn't too hard. As we went on, I spoke more with Adam until Coraline got rather nosy.
“What are you guys talking about?” She asked, rather confidently. Something was up, I could tell.
“Nothing much. Can I talk to you privately?” I asked letting her know that this was urgent by making my voice rather stern.
“Yeah sure.”
“You do know that what you just did was invasion of privacy right?”
“Well sorry. Just trying to set you two up…”
“Nevermind!” She half-shouted as she ran to her friends. They all giggled and I just sighed.
“What was that about?”
“Nothing.” I looked into his radiant green eyes. They were nice and soothing… But I regained my self and focused on the light ahead. Light? There! There was the exit! We were out! I saw the others start running, so I joined them laughing out loud. We ran out the exit and saw the world. It was beautiful. As we were contemplating its beauty, the sun’s light started to envelop me and Coraline. I watched astonished but looked up at Adam who was shocked. As everything was fading away, he shouted
“Let’s meet up again one day!” over the loud ocean wave sound the light made. I reached out my hand, but I found myself in the Blackburn’s living room with Coraline. I chuckled to myself bringing down my hand. I saw a note on the coffee table in the corner of my eye. I picked it up and it read
“ Hey, I know we’ll meet up one day so, until then! ~Adam and the others”
“Would you look at that…” Coraline said sleepily.
“Come on let’s go to bed.”
“Yeah let's go to bed…” The little girl said yawning. For once, a horror game ended pretty well.

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