Sep 24, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: DF Part 3

Hello! Next part! I'm sorry it's kinda short but I was kinda rushing because I kinda didn't want to do this... sorry but enjoy!

Darkness Falling: Part 3
I watched the horrible figure as it spoke in a monotone voice, describing the highly disgusting death of the ghost. Having that memory would have destroyed any normal person, so how was Tim still sane?
“I know that you suffered Kana, I play the scene over and over in my mind every night, wondering if you would forgive me for what I’ve done. But you probably don’t…” Tim now had steady streams of tears flowing down his cheeks. The ghost became objective and looked at Tim straight in the eyes.
“No. I don’t forgive you. You caused it all. You should die along with me.” I stood up at the cold reply of the spirit.
“It’s not his fault! He couldn’t have known that would happen! He loved you! He would never want any harm done to you! Don’t you understand? He’s suffering beyond belief because he regrets everything he did! He loved you and still does!” I denounced, angry that the deceased girl did not forgive the poor boy. Everyone looked at me shocked, but their expressions soon changed to thankfulness.
“Quiet! Who are you? You have no role in this so how could you possibly know? I suffer too you know! I’m not the only ghost in here and I need to fend for myself! ” The ghost shouted, rage showing in her eyes. She was apathetic if Tim still had feelings for her or not. Everyone stared at the transparent girl realizing that there were other spirits in the buildings that could mean harm.
“She’s right Karina, stay out of this. This is my responsibility.” He now seemed indifferent rather than scared as if Kana’s outburst had changed him. At this, the light on the ceiling was wavering making the room obscure. This time, the ghost was the one that was stricken in fear.
“No… NO! Why are you here? Go away!” The girl’s eyes were transfixed on the wall behind us all. The wall was covered in ripples as if the wall had changed to liquid but still defying gravity. A translucent hand reached out followed by an arm and eventually a shoulder. Finally the entity's entire upper body was coming out of the wall. The second ghost appeared to be a woman older than us all, but within her thirties. Her long, straight hair hung down loose and her piercing eyes were focused on Kana and Kana only. Nothing was wrong with her face, not even the slightest scratch. Did this woman ever die?
“You cannot be here. You must leave now or face the consequences.” Even if the woman’s words were rather ambiguous, we knew exactly what she meant. We had to leave now or she would plunge us into our doom. She seemed impartial as she spoke her threatening words, not showing the slightest emotion, as if she was long dead.
“I revere these grounds. You must leave now or face the consequences.” The way she said the same sentence over again sent a chill down my spine, making me shiver. The woman saw my movements and snapped her head in my direction. I tensed up in fear that she would haunt me or curse me for some unknown reason. Remembering that I was still in a videogame, I knew that all injury was fake and I would wake up… right? The reason the woman wanted us to leave was rather innovative but that didn’t change the fact I was petrified in fear. Seeing that I had no more movement left, the ghost walked over to Kana and looked down upon her. I could discriminate between the two ghosts for one still had traces of emotion left, but the other as as cold as ice.
“I see that you will not leave anytime soon. Then I shall get rid of all of you.” The ghost grinned to reveal many rows of sharp teeth that resembled daggers. Then the eyes changed from a normal human’s to a glittering black while all her hair fell off displaying long pointed ears. The monster laughed in an inhumanly low voice. A loud crack was heard as the monster bent backwards. In stayed in that position until it threw itself forward on all fours. The skin on it’s back was breaking and tearing as spikes grew larger and larger. It then smiled a terrifying grin and leaped for Kana, making the worst sound I have ever heard.

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