Sep 4, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: STS Part 2

HEYY!!!! Next and last part of this episode! Hope you guys are enjoying! OH and ignore the underlined words, they are just the vocab words and I was too lazy to take off the underlined part >u<.

Sharing the Secrets: Part 2
“He’s here. He’s hunting for us…” I could not believe I had gotten Coraline and myself into this horrific place. Footsteps could be heard in the hallways and they got closer and closer every second. Was I going to die? Was the killer going to find me and do what he did to the other poor victims? Or were we going to be able to find a way to stop this madman from going on with his twisted sense of pleasure? I had to do something to save us all, so I asked the nurses “Do we have any weapon of some sort? Any crowbars or anything we could use to defend ourselves?” “I’m afraid that all the weapons are in the torture room, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to get one now. You should wait until tomorrow, when he goes to sleep in one of the rooms.” “I guess so… Will anyone accompany me?” I looked around the room to see everyone look down except from Coraline who had the bravery of a lion shining in her eyes. “I’ll come with you Karina!” the little girl said with apparent determination in her voice. “Good. Let’s get some rest for tomorrow. We’ll need all the strenght we can get if the killer decides to wake up while we are looking for weapons.” I took the little girl to the corner of the room and made her a bed out of the quilts and covers that we had; I did the same for myself and wondered into the perfect world that we know as dreamland.
I was shaken awake by one of the nurses and by the look on her face, something had gone terribly wrong. There was pounding on the door and crazy shouting, it was the killer. “One of the girls was too hungry to wait for morning so she went out, but was caught! Now he knows where we are and we can’t escape! We’re done for!” Tears started streaming down her face and all I could do was to give her a rueful smile. The pounding seemed to slow down and finally came to a complete stop. Had the murderer surrendered? I highly doubted it, but I had to check. I headed to the door and slowly opened it to see nothing standing or even hiding in the long, white hallway. I could only hear running footsteps who were headed to another room in another hallway. “He’s gone…” “Are you sure? He could be hiding…” “No there’s no one here. We should take this chance to get the weapons now. Coraline?” “Umm, yeah sure…” The both of us snuck out the room and down the opposite hallway the killer had gone to. We finally reached the room with the foul stench and went to disheveled shelves that contained all sorts of weapons: knives, scalpels, scissors, large needles, and many other disturbing instruments. Some of the torture tools looked as if they had been harrowed and thrown to the point of breaking, which only made me wonder what that psychopath had been up to. I gathered all the weapons that could be used in a fight into the cloth we had used for a bag to carry the weapons back to the group. I took a large knife that looked like a butcher knife and headed for the door, but I heard footsteps coming towards this room. I immediately froze in terror, but regained my senses quickly enough so I could tell the trembling Coraline to hide in the shadows of the far right corner near the door so she could escape and get help if we needed it. She hid just in time as the psycho stood conspicuously in the doorway. His resplendent blade was by his side and looked thirsty for blood, my blood. I secretly endorsed Coraline to bring the weapons to the others and get help as quickly as possible. She astutely slipped out of the shadows and out of the room to get the reinforcement needed. She had done so after the killer had approached me, failing to notice the little girl quietly run out of the room. Hiding the blade behind my back in case of emergency, I dared to speak up, my voice trembling. “Why do you do this?” “Who me?” The killer asked with the most innocent tone, which failed to lower my guard. “I only do this out of revenge… and secrets. But seeing that your time is short, I will tell you. I was relegated to this asylum... as a patient.” My mind clicked and everything cleared up in an instant. He didn’t come to work here at all, he was sent to this place because he was never a normal human, only a crazy killing machine. “You seem to understand what this means,” he said with a chuckle. “I came from a poor, declasse family. We had only a couple of dollars, so we had to steal food. Well one day I was caught stealing rope, so I choked them. Seeing how much power I had, I decided that I wouldn’t steal, I would kill. I went on and on with my pleasures until I was caught again, and was sent to this asylum. I was able to somehow pass as a doctor. I secretly continued my hobby, killing one by one the people here. So now you know my secret, but that doesn’t matter since you will DIE!!” He said with a twisted, sadistic grin, but just on cue the others arrived, along with Coraline looking furious at the killer. One of the nurses snapped and lunged at the psycho and profoundly sank her blade in the murderer’s back. He screeched an inhuman scream and turned around to the nurse with rage filled eyes. I took the opportunity to sink my blade to end this monster’s life once and for all. It all passed so quickly, one moment, he was grinning from one ear to the other, and the next, he lay on the floor in a pool of his own blood. This all hit me at once, causing everything to go black. I awoke on the couch of the Blackburns. Was this “adventure” all a dream? I looked to the other side of the couch to see Coraline stir awake. She rose from the couch and rubbed her small, blue eyes and asked in a tired voice, “Did we fall asleep during the movie?” She didn’t remember anything that happened? It was probably for the best, so I didn’t push the subject. I looked over to the TV which was rolling the credits; “Maybe it was all a dream...” I thought until I saw our names roll up the screen. I quickly turned off the TV before the small child could see, and turned to her, “Are you tired? Let’s go to bed.” “Okay.” She responded, heading for the stairs. I followed her up and watched her go into her room. “Goodnight Cora.” “Goodnight Karina.” I headed to my room, and saw a small scrap of paper on the night stand. It read “I shared my secret with you and you killed me… I’ll let my ‘friends’ take care of you…” I froze knowing that this adventure had only started.

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