Sep 18, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: DF Part 2

AYYYY!!!! Next part! Warning: gets a little disgusting and dark so if that's not your cup of tea, you have been warned. Anyways, enjoy!

Darkness Falling: Part 2
Both boys were dragged inside the room and I ran after them, not wanting to lose the only defense I had. The room had only a solitary lamp that dimly lit the musty grey room. Tim and Adam were on the floor groaning from falling, but thankfully no injury was caused. I looked around to see three figures standing and watching the boys, me, and Coraline. The first person, which must have caught the boys, was a boy about my height that looked like he was the same age as Adam with brown hair and a fierce look in his eyes. Another was sitting at a table, playing with a weapon I could not recognize. He had black hair and seemed to not want to be disturbed. The last person was a stagnant girl standing in the shadows of the corner of the room. She was rather subtle, for she wore dark clothing, but her bright blonde hair gave away her position. Her brown doe eyes seemed to be threatening to release tears when she looked up at me and Coraline. What had happened here and why was everyone so angry or sad looking?
“Who are they?” said the brunette looking down into Adam’s electric blue eyes.
“We found them in room 113. The were just standing there. We thought they could help with the fight.”
“You mean YOU thought they could help with the fight…” Said Tim rolling his green orbs. Both got up and brushed the dust off of their dirty t-shirts. All of the people gathered in the room looked at me including Coraline, who was asking me through her eyes what to do. I sighed and looked at the group and said, “Tell me more about the ghost. I have knowledge that could help you.”
“It looks like a real human, but it’s scary.” The blonde girl said.
“Yeah like Lucy said, it also speaks to you in a tone to lower your guard, but it attacks you if you get friendly.” Adam said with fear apparent in his eyes.
“Also, it was one of our friends…” Tim said, letting his red hair cover his eyes. Something was bizarre about his reaction. I had known him for less than twenty minutes, but I knew that he was hiding something from me.
“Well, from what you told me, I would say that you have a vengeful ghost. Did anything happen to the person before they died that might have harmed them? Like they were cut badly by something, or there was something that angered the person before they died?” I asked slightly fearing I offended them in a way. All of them looked up and at Tim.
“W-What? You think that’s what made Kana want to kill me? It’s not my fault she was naïve enough to think I was telling the truth!” I was right. They hid the fact that the ghost had something to do with Tim and he most likely caused her death. She wanted revenge for him accidentally tricking her.
“Well why would you tell her the ingredients of a chemical reaction that liquefied her lungs?!?!?!? You know VERY well how much he loved chemistry and had to try everything she heard!” The black haired boy said with rage.
“I told her it was dangerous and that she should not try it Grey!” Tim shouted back, fury boiling.
“You being her boyfriend should know the equipment of the lads here better than even her! You knew the safety suits had a lot of holes in them!” The sharp-eyed male said.
“Keep your mouth shut Natsu! You know just as well as me that I would Never want her to die! EVER!” Tim shouted with tears brimming his eyes as the painful memories flashed across his mind.
“STOP IT!!” Lucy yelled clutching her head, sobbing. “Don’t yell at each other. Don’t fight. We’re all we have left…” I walked over to the poor shivering girl and hugged her attempting to comfort her; Lucy and Kana must have been best of friends. I had scruples about pushing the matter further. Everyone was in tears for the loss of their dear friend.
“We need to help them Karina. They’re all so sad for Kana.” The little girl on my back said. She was the only person that was able to lift my spirits in such matters and she had not failed once again.
“You’re right. They need our help. You up for it?”
“You bet!”
“Okay guys. We know how to free you from the clutches of the ghost. All we need are-” A sudden drop of temperature stuck the room and everyone froze in place.
“Tim… Tim where are you? Don’t leave me alone… I don’t want to be alone Tim… Come out…” A bland voice said. Everyone was now shaking in terror for the ghost of the lost friend was here. The door which had been shut earlier opened slowly making the cliche creaking. The presence of the girl was palpable even if she was invisible. A set of shivers ran down my spine several times as if a marathon of fear was in place. Finally the ghost appeared in the entryway. Its dead eyes scanned the room for any person behind the white transparent hair that hung limply. Its eyes stopped on Tim, and a weak smile formed on the ghosts lips. It walked indolently towards the trembling victim as it said,
“I found you. Why were you hiding? Darkness is falling and I don’t want to be left alone.” The ghost reached a hand up to the dead hair and pulled it back behind its ear. The scene was grotesque. Flesh had been burned of on the whole right side of it’s face. Some pieces of the meat was peeling off to reveal the half destroyed muscled and even some bone. The eye was completely gone and dried blood covered her neck. We were futile.

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