Sep 11, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: DF Part 1

Hey! New episode of the seiries!

Darkness Falling
The previous experiences of entering the movie were now partially forgotten, or more like I forced myself to forget those terrifying memories. I was thankful that little Coraline did not remember any of those frightening images, and went on as if I just had a horrible nightmare. But I knew it was all too real to simply be the work of my imagination. The proof was the note on the nightstand. However, for the sake of my sanity and Coraline, I locked the memories deep within my mind.
The following day I was laying on the couch reading my book when Coraline ran up to me with a grand smile. “Look what I found in some old boxes in the attic! A video-game! And it’s a horror one too! This super cliche but let’s play it!” I looked up at her in horror. Was this game going to make us go on another “adventure” like last time? “Give me the game for a sec.” I took the game from her small hands and examined the description and comments. The cover read “Darkness Falling”; I turned the game over to the comments read them. I found a code within the first comment: “Did nOt  regret playiNg This Perfect game! Liked All the images in this wonderfullY crafted game!”. The code read “DON’T PLAY!” “Coraline come here. Read the capital letters.” “D..o..n..t...p..l..a..y… Don’t play. It’s probably only to scare you. This wouldn’t have freaked you out normally. What’s gotten into you?” “Just been rather tired. But don’t play that game.” I said as I started reading again. I heard Coraline walk away, but then the said, “Too late, I’m playing it.” I bolted up the stairs to see the little girl kneeling in front of the screen with a controller in hand. “I told you not to play that game!” I ran behind the TV and unplugged it along with the gaming system cord. “What are you…. umm Karina?” I walked back in front of the TV to see the screen still displaying the menu of the game with the options of “Settings” and “Raise the Darkness?”. Memories flashed of the movies option “Enter the Asylum” which led the both of us into that realistic nightmare. “Whatever you do, don’t press anything…” “Don’t tell me what to do!” Coraline said in a loud voice. It sounded deeper and… almost lifeless. I looked down at the child to see her eyes were a dull grey when she pressed the enter button on the option “Raise the Darkness?” I watched the screen in horror. All of a sudden, the furniture started being covered in binary code, until the walls became themselves the strange code. The furniture became flat until we were encased in a room made of binary code which precluded all possibility of escaping. Was this going to happen all over again? Words flashed in my mind “I shared my secret with you and you killed me… I’ll let my ‘friends’ take care of you…” Was this retribution for killing the madman? I forgot to check on Coraline while all of these events and thoughts were taking place. The little girl had apparently regained her senses for I felt the child cling on to my leg in fear. I looked down at her to see her shaking violently. “What’s going on? Help me!” “Calm down! We’ll get out of this. I promise! We’re strong and we’ll get out of this! I promise it!” The little girl calmed down and wiped the tears that were staining her cheeks. I smiled and she did the same, showing her faith in me. The strange numbers started to leave to reveal a room with only a lamp swing on the ceiling. When the surroundings sunk in, we were accosted by being pinned up against the wall with our arms held behind our backs. I turned my head even if that demanded effort to see two boys about my age staring at me in hate. The poor little girl was pinned up rather harshly. “Don’t you dare hurt her!” “Be quiet!” I stared at my kidnapper too see that he was almost in tears. “Don’t you dare start crying now Adam!” “I’m not crying! Just don’t let them escape!” I looked closer at the two boys. One was afflicted with a rather large scar that ran from his neck to his shoulder and even farther down. It was explicit that the boys had been through a hard time and still were. What was the story this time? The boy with the scar seemed to notice me staring and smirked. “Stay here and you’ll get one too if you can’t defend yourself.” Coraline took advantage of the boy’s distraction and smashed his foot with her own. He recoiled in pain and glared at the girl with the eyes of a demon. He charged at her, but I was able to free myself from Adam and stood in front of Coraline to get hit in the face, hard. Their mercy had terminated. The boy kept attacking until Adam was able to grasp the raging boy. “Calm down Tim!! They might be handy in the fight!” Tim subsided to Adam’s grip and his eyes lost the wildness.  “We are in the middle of a fight between human and ghost.” Adam was rather candid for a boy. I stood more confident and looked around to see that the door led to a hallway just like the asylum from the last adventure. The two setting would be discern if it wasn't for the color and texture of the walls. A bell interfered my thoughts and I looked at the boys for an explanation. “No time to explain! Come with us if you don’t want to get possessed and killed in a rather painful way!” Not wanting any of that, I made Coraline climb onto my back and ran after the boys from whatever that dell signaled. As we ran down the halls, a door flew open and both boys were dragged inside. “Adam!! Tim!!” I screamed in fear as I heard them fall to the floor with a loud crack.

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