Aug 28, 2014

My Little Horror Experiences: STS Part 1

HELLO!!! This series of horror 'experiences' (theses are by far not real) are actually class assignments, so the updates will be VERY consistent. From what I understood, there SHOULD be a new chapter every Friday. So enjoy!

Sharing The Secrets: Part 1

     My name is Karina Aeron and I am a babysitter. I walked into the tall house of the Blackburn estate, where I would take care of the young Coraline. The little girl was only 10 years old and was often left in my care by her parents, who had jobs that kept them away but earned lots of money; the mother was a violin soloist on the road to fame, and the father a news reporter of a news channel yet to be discovered by the world. Both parents loved the little Coraline dearly and it saddened them to leave her like this, but the little girl would always say "Don't worry! I'll be fine with Karina! She takes great care of me! Plus I know you earn money for me and you so I'll fine! See you in a couple of weeks! I love you mommy and daddy!" and the parents would smile, seeing their daughter full of happiness.
     I rang the doorbell to be answered by the small child. She was wearing her favorite outfit which consisted of her iridescent polka-dotted dress with a white background, a little red bow hair clip, and her adorable black shoes which matched her long, curly, black hair. Her sky-blue eyes looked up at me with happiness as she said "Come on! You're gonna miss the movie!" "Oh! What are we watching?" "A movie I saw on IMDb. It's called "Sharing the Secrets"!" "We're watching a movie about a bulimic girl?" I said with disappointment. We had tradition with Coraline that every time I babysitted her, we would watch horror movies, since that was our favorite type. "No silly! Who cares about that? It's an unpopular horror movie that is called "Sharing the Secrets" with an s. Plural. Apparently it's so good that it feels that you are actually in the movie!" "Well what are we waiting for? The bad guy? Let's watch it!" I said as I tickled her, making her erupt in laughter. I stopped 'torturing' her and walked to the living room. The TV was already on and the pizza was on the table. Everything was set and we entered the disc into the DVD reader. The screen read "Enter the asylum" under the normal options. "That's interesting.... and creepy! Awesome!" Coraline said enthusiastically. The little girl hit enter and waited impatiently for the horror to start. Instead the TV shut down making a click sound. "What?!?" Coraline jumped off the couch to inspect the DVD player and all the cables but everything was fine; it was the movie that somehow shut down. Then the TV turned back on but only showed static while repeating the clicking sound. Then all of a sudden, the screen turned wide with a black dot, but the spec was in front of the TV. Air stated to get sucked in until the small dot turned into a large vortex, eventually sucking us in like an enormous vacuum. We screamed for help as a deep voice murmured, "Welcome to the asylum." and everything went black.
I woke up to four, white padded walls reflecting light from small window high up on one wall. I saw Coraline laying facing down on the softly padded floor, so I rushed to her. "Coraline! Are you okay?!?" I almost shouted while shaking her shoulder vigorously. "5 more minutes..." "Coraline! Wake up! This is bad!" The little girl woke up and realized what was going on, so she started to panic. "Karina? What's happening?" "I don't know, but we'll find a way home. I promise. Let's try to find a way out." The little girl nodded and followed me to the door. I had faith in my infallibility to find a way out of this nightmare we had gotten ourselves into. The door was left in negligence for it was hanging on it's hinges, but what was most peculiar was that it looked like it was forced open... from the outside. "Hello? Anyone?" I yelled down the hall, hoping to get someone's attention. The lack of response drove me to walk down the hall with Coraline holding tightly to my arm towards what seemed to be shadows. As I got closer to the moving shapes on the walls, a smell seemed to come from one of the rooms. We finally reached the door and the stench hit me, entrails. I immediately covered my nose with my sweatshirt sleeve and Coraline did the same. I dared to enter the room in case anyone was there and the sight was revolting. The once white walls were stained red with clumps of meat scattered. A metal table with leather straps stood alone in the middle. The organization was scanty for an asylum, but I would have never cleaned up that room for anything in the world. I left the disgusting room at a quick pace wanting to put as much distance between me and that torture chamber as possible. As I reached the end of the other hallway, I could hear whispering. "Hello? Anyone here?" "Be quiet!" A voice hissed at me with annoyance. I looked into another room to see who must have been the nurses all huddled up in a corner with fear written all over their faces. They must have been there for days or even weeks judging from their tattered clothes and the once bright red crosses which were now evanesced. "If you say anything else, he'll hear you! Come in and we'll fill you in on what you need to survive this place." "Survive?" "Quiet! Come here!" One of the nurses said with clenched teeth while gesturing towards her. Coraline and I hurried in the room and the door slammed shut right as we walked in. "What's going on here? We saw a room filled with what looked like..." "Yes yes we know! We were here when it started. When he started what he calls pleasure." I listened closely to know what happened here, where we were, and how we got here. "Our colleague started to go a bit crazy from all the patient's screaming and hysterical laughter. Then he started to 'eliminate' them one by one until there were none. We tried to stop him, but there wasn't any humanity left in his eyes. So now we try to find a way to stop him during the day, and hide from him during the night when he looks for us, his last prey." I listened in horror to the poor nurses' story. "Well at least he doesn't hunt during the day." Said Coraline trying to alleviate the macabre mood in the small, padded room. "Yes but each and every night, we are in imminent danger." "What can we do to stop him?" I asked fearing the answer. "Kill him... or strap him to that table and leave him there since we don't have the will to kill anyone." "Well we better start thinking of something if we want to make it out alive. By the way, do you have any food or water here?" "We have to steal it from him, and it isn't always easy. He tries to pull us out of our hiding place with food and it regretfully worked on some of the girls who precariously tried to get it." I continued to ask questions and listen to the poor nurses' stories until the air of the room got considerably colder. Then, a deep and raspy voice sang, "Where are you hiding? You know it's no use. Come out now." The nurses all froze and said in unison, "He's here. He's hunting for us..."

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