Nov 12, 2013

Death's Love: Chapter 5

Last chapter of this story!
Chapter 5: The Ritual

“I know the perfect place for that.” He turned at a corner and lead me through the streets. We arrived at a dojo and headed in. As we were walking down a hall, Ashitaka stopped to greet someone. “Master, is it okay if I use the room where I practice? It’s for an important matter.”
“Ah Ashitaka! What happened to your shoulder? You’re not going to practice your sword skills with an injury like that are you? Of course you can use the room but be careful. Who is this young lady?”
“She’s my girlfriend.” I blushed. He took my hand and lead me to a enormous room where katanas were displayed on shelves.
“Is this big enough?”
“Perfect.” I took out the piece of chalk that I had and began drawing the circle for the ritual. When I finished, I walked to the middle of the circle. I started to pronounce the formula. A mist started to form as I continued on with the spell. When I finished, flashes of lightning shot from the circle. There was a great wind, but nothing was moving. The mist that had formed earlier collected to form a great snake. Its glowing eyes stared into mine. It shot at me and everything went black.
A voice was calling to me. It was faint and distant. “Karina! Wake up! Please! Karina!” The voice was familiar. It had a warmth I knew well. It kept calling to me. It got louder and louder until, I could feel someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. My body was aching badly. I looked up and saw the outline of someone. As my vision got clearer, I started to recognize that person. It was Ashitaka. “Ashitaka? Where am I? What happened?”
“Karina! You’re okay!” He leaped at me and squeezed tightly. Why were his eyes so red? Was he crying? “When the snake hit you, you fell to the ground lifeless. I panicked when you wouldn’t wake up. I thought you were dead. But you’re okay and that’s all that matters!” He squeezed a little tighter and let go. He softly caressed my cheek and smiled. His fingers slid to the back of my neck. He pulled me closer, which brought my head to his causing us to kiss. I was now a human and I didn’t have to worry about blood coming out of his mouth anymore. I was mortal and I would spend the rest of my life with Ashitaka. That was all that mattered.
The End

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