Nov 2, 2013

Death's Love: Chapter 4

Hey! Next chapter. I am trying to catch up for all the time I have lost these couple of weeks. Meaning I will try to publish the chapters more often. I'll TRY.

Chapter 4: Decision
We kissed until the taste of iron came to my mouth. The taste of...blood. I pulled away to see a small trickle of blood coming from the corner of Ashitaka’s mouth. We had almost performed the Kiss of Death. At that instant, I knew we couldn't be together. I said, “I’m sorry. I should have told you this would happen.”
“It’s okay. I enjoyed it anyways.” He reached up and wiped off the blood. I tried to smile the best I could, but it did not show up at all. As I was lost in thought, Ashitaka slid his arms around my shoulders and held me tight. The night became too cold for us to stay outside, so we headed back in and slept side by side.
The next day, Ashitaka and I were walking around Tokyo. People around the world were still dying, but I killed them with my mind. As we were walking back home, three men stopped us. One said to the other, “Are those the ones who killed them?”
“Yeah I know it’s them.” All three pulled out knives and attacked us. Ashitaka stepped in front of me and started fighting back. Once again, he was too quick for the men. But he stepped on an uneven crack, causing him to lose his balance. The attackers took this chance to stab his shoulder. Blood started to run down his arm and drip off his fingertips. I rushed over to him. Fury boiled inside of me. I lost all control over myself, making me attack all three of the men who were standing before me. They tried to defend themselves, but I was too swift. I hurt them in every way I could. That was until, one of the men was able to stab me in the stomach. Blood leaked from the wound, but I wasn't human. My blood was black and not red. I was also immortal, so my wound healed itself. The men’s eyes were wide, their hands were shaking, and they were stepping away from me. Out of rage, I shape-shifted into a black wolf and leap to their throats and made quick work of them. When all three were dead, I walked over to Ashitaka. He was watching me with fright in his eyes. I took out his phone and called for an ambulance. We got to the hospital quickly and Ashitaka was mended. As the doctors were telling him that he needed to be careful and not push himself too hard, I was debating the idea of making myself human or not. My father had told me of this ritual which could turn a Grim Reaper into a normal human being. But he told me it was a perilous process. I wondered until Ashitaka came up to me. The doctor yelled after him, “Remember what I told you. Tell your girlfriend to look after you and help you.” I blushed at the comment. Ashitaka laughed and kissed the side of my head. He shouted back, “Yes sir and thanks!”
As we were walking home from the hospital, I decided I would perform the ritual. I wanted to do it for Ashitaka. “Ashitaka, I've been thinking about something. I am the Grim Reaper, and I’m not meant to love anyone. Meaning that we can’t be together. But my dad told me of this ritual I could perform if I desperately wanted to become human. It’s dangerous but I think it’s worth it. I want to stay with you.”
“Are you sure?”

“Yes. We’ll need of a large open space. We’ll also need chalk.”

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