Jan 16, 2016

Opposites Attract

She was an old fashioned girl. She wore 1980's dresses and cross-stitched in her spare time. He was a modern guy. He wore graphic t-shirts and played video games in his spare time. They were complete opposites, but opposites attract. They met at the corner café. She was sipping on a cup of Earl Grey tea, her favorite. He saw her sitting alone, so he invited himself to sit with her. Not that she minded, since he was extremely attractive. They talked about their differences, since they had nothing in common. She liked how he was so energetic and alive, and he liked how she was polite and delicate. They did seem like star crossed lovers, like modern Romeo and old fashioned Juliette. Onlookers would point them out and whisper to each other "They're so different, how can they stand each other?" The two didn't pay attention to anyone else and kept talking for what seemed ages. After all, they were ment for each other. The day grew late and they had to part, but before leaving, they agreed to meet again at the same café the next day at 4. They said their goodbyes and parted, each thinking of the other the whole way home.

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