Sep 25, 2015

What Has the World Become?

      People like reading books that are all the same. Same plot. Same events. Same plot twist. Same everything. I'm different. I like new things, that others haven't tried yet. The book that no one has read because the plot isn't about love? Yeah I read that. The book that doesn't have any human characters? Read it. The book that talk about human agony? Read it. The sad thing is, people look at me weird when I say I don't like the newest book that came out. "Why don't you like this book? It's sooooooo amazing!"  No it's not. It was predictable and simple minded. "Oh my god, why do you even read that? It soooo boring!" Oh I'm sorry, is it too complex for your bird brain? Maybe if you read a book that was different and didn't complain, you would understand.
      People like to have a certain look that is always the same. Same shirt. Same shoes. Same accessories. Same everything. Yes, I'm different. I like to express myself and my interests through my clothing. The shirt that has a reference? I have it. The pants that are colored weird? I have it. "Oh my god! Look at that shirt! It's soooo original!" Every other girl has it. "Why do you wear that? It's so ugly!" Well boo hoo, I like it. I feel comfortable.
      People look down on me because I'm so different. Because I don't fit the mold of society. Because I don't follow others mindlessly. Because I make my own path. Society has tried to kill me before. How rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. I'm commonly known as originality.

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