Sep 25, 2015

A Shift in Nature

There was a pond in the forest. It really was a juncture of two small rivers that danced down from the mountains, but I still considered it a pond. The water was recumbent, so animals would often come to drink. Trees lined the edge of the water along with flowered bushes. The scene was mottled with all the flowers, berries, leaves, and the water’s aquamarine surface. The gentle breeze gave the trees the power to sing a soft and sweet melody that could put even a crying baby to sleep. A heron would often come to feed on the fish that swam, its stilted legs slowly moving in the water. I would come with a bindle, for I stayed and rested long hours there. This really was a paradise on Earth, but that’s the past. The beautiful place is now a farm. The small paradise was unearthed and replaced by a farm for its soil. I now stand in front of this horrid farm morosely, remembering the happy times I spent in the past. The screaming thrashing machines replace the singing trees. The crystal water replaced by a mud bath for pigs. The sweet smelling berries replaced by scentless corn. Everything, gone. The rivers had been moved from their natural position, derived to feed the dirty consuming cities. I was not the only one put into anguish, for all the animals had been driven out of the woods or killed. I had tried to stop the destruction of the delicate forest, but the people refused and used their foolish arguments to silence me. The virulent pain took over my mind, soul, and body, slowly destroying me from the inside out. All this because of a miser who wanted money that the farm would produce. All this destruction of beauty because of a selfish man. All this, because of my brother.

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