Sep 25, 2015

The Colors of the World

A young teenage girl with incredible powers walked down the street on a cold night. The police were after her once again, but her cunning helped her escape their fat, greasy, hands. She thought of everything she had done, nothing bad but against the law. All color was forbidden. Color made emotion which in turn made war. That was the law. No emotion was allowed. However she had different plans for the future. Her goal was to show that color was an incredible thing that had great peaceful power, not the destructive force the government thought it had. Over the years of the plan, she procured enough skill with her power that she was changing the minds of people. Her power was color. Anything she toughed instantly changed from a dull grey or black to a bright and living color. Walls she touched were immediately covered in the most exquisite decorations of flowers, graffiti, or anything that could bring life to this dull world. Though the government and adults though she was a vile teen, children and teens thought she was amazing. All the grown ups were desperately trying to get rid of her, but she was predominant with her color and hope she brought. She had tried many times to bring reason to the court but her intercessions got her nowhere. So tonight she was going to change everything. She walked to the center of the city, where the heart resided. It was a simple flower, but it drained all color from the world. She finally got to the center. Of course, there were guard that were protecting the small, sallow flower. The guards seemed to waver. They were looking at the flower with what seemed like anger. They were rather lamentable, wanting to destroy the flower, but unable to do so. The teen walked up to the guards and asked if they were okay. They replied that even though the were guarding the flower, they had a strong urge to destroy it. They had seen the color the girl gave off and they wanted color to return to the world. The girl smiled and asked them to step aside. They were hesitant at first but then unwieldy stepped aside. She walked up to the flower gallantly and touched it. Color returned.

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