Sep 25, 2015

Moving Out

I had just finished unpacking the last box that held my few possessions. Though the apartment was small, I had ensconced rather well. The sunlight filtered through the white curtains, and the ocean breeze gave the small room a nice feeling. Moving here was quite laborious, but it was worth it. My dream had been to move to a vivacious city, where I could be a veterinarian. The move was rather impromptu, an idea out of the blue. I should say that it had unraveled rather well for something that wasn’t even planned. My friend burst in through the door, carrying the TV. His acute sense of sight caught the lamp about to fall. He was somehow able to catch it with his foot without breaking it.

Everything was in place, including my friend on the couch, exhausted. A knock at the door caught my attention. I walked to the wooden door and opened it, having the pleasant song of it’s creaking protest. A young woman was going around the building canvassing for something I didn’t understand, since she was talking so fast. I sent her on her way, and turned back to my new living spaces. I got my friend to capitulate, and get off the couch. I sent him on his way too. From his countenance, he didn't seem too pleased, but he left anyways. I walked over to the window, pushed the curtains aside, and looked at the outside world. Down the street, there seemed to be a riot. Someone got out of a fancy car that had just arrived. A retinue followed that person around, must have been a government official, or something of the sort. A knock at the door distracted me from the scene down the street. I opened the door once more to see my friend standing there. From his demeanor, he had forgotten something again. I sighed and let him in. He hastily took up his car keys on the couch. He ran back out the door, grinning at me as he left. I chuckled, and closed the door once again.

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