Oct 13, 2013

Death's Love: Chapter 1

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't written in forever but I'm having a writer's block. And for those of you who don't know what that is, it"s when you don't have any ideas. But I write more than one story at a time so here is one that I finished before I even created this blog.
Karina is the Grim Reaper. She goes to Tokyo, Japan to take care of business, but meats Ashitaka instead. Both of their lives change after just one glance...

Chapter 1: The Meeting

I am a feared person, some people call a monster, others say I am the incarnation of pain and misery. I am the Grim Reaper. Most people think I am a guy, if I am not portrayed as a skeleton. But I am a girl who’s name is Karina. I have traveled around the world, taking the lives of the old and sick. From New York to Paris and Rio de Janeiro to Beijing. I have been to Japan many times, but never to find my life would change forever.
I was searching for the old Japanese woman who was close to death when I heard shouting a couple of streets down. The more I listened, the more I could tell a small gang was chasing someone. I decided to let the old woman live and see what the commotion was about. I tracked the group down by the shouts and yells coming from a street alley. I looked around the corner to find three gangster-looking guys attacking a man who was around my age. The gangsters were trying to wound the man, but he was too agile and quick to be even slightly scratched. The men were growling and threatening each other swearing to kill the other if he did not give up. I wanted to have a little fun, so I let my body disintegrate and become a shadow. I had become invisible and was creeping slowly towards the fight. The boys’ faces became more visible as I approached them. The prey seemed to be in control of the whole fight. His eyes were shining with furiousness, and yet with malice. He was grinning with pride at how well he was defending himself. His moves were swift and fast. He was quite handsome as a matter of fact. The attacker’s knife was flashing as it was slicing the air with speed, but it never descended quickly enough. I was about to grab the gangsters neck and suck out the life of their bodies when the prey jumped through me. I found myself in the middle facing the gangsters. I clenched their throats and began draining their energy and life with it. After I had emptied them, their bodies fell to the ground lifeless. I let myself become visible again and turned around to face the last surviving man. His eyes were wide with fear. I smiled a little and said, “You don’t need to fear me. I may be the Grim Reaper, but I won’t kill you.” He stood up straight as he realized I meant no harm. He was a little taller than me; not surprising since he was Japanese. He could pass as a J-Pop idol if he was on a stage. I knew I instantly fell for him even if my heart wasn't meant to love. “Thanks for not killing me I guess….” He said as he shifted from one foot to the other. His eyes were locked on mine. My eyes were unusual after all. They were grey and they changed colors depending on my mood. They must be blue or green now even if they were red a couple of minutes ago. I asked, “What’s your name?” He must have thought it would kill him to tell me his name because he refused. I reassured him by telling him over and over that I would not kill him. He finally said, “I’m Ashitaka. Why would you want to know anyways?”
“Because you’re different from all the other guys I met before. I’m Karina. I saw you fighting those gangsters. You fight really well and I will reward you for it.” I took off my necklace which I got when I was little. The lace was black and hanging from it was a black opal with wings coming out of the sides. “If you ever need help or need to see me for whatever reason, pull the wings down and I’ll come.”

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